Obslužný token spectre.ai
Despre Spectre.ai Utility Token. Prețul Spectre.ai Utility Token (SXUT) de astăzi este de $0,02968281 cu volum de tranzacționare în 24 de ore de ?. Are o rezervă circulantă de 0 monede și o rezervă maximă de 43 Milion monede. The future of Digital Options, Forex and CFD trading is here.
The trading volume on ForkDelta is 289.74. It's You are viewing this website from the United States which is a restricted region. It is against the Spectre.ai terms and conditions to access any products or services of Spectre.ai Spectre.Ai also features its own crypto token known as the Spectre.ai Utility Token (SXUT). The token launched in the open crypto asset market in the beginning of 2018, but has at the time of this review been a miserable investment for token holders who purchased during the launch. Kryptoměna Spectre.ai Utility Token patří mezi méně známé měny a jen na pár kryptoměnových burzách je možné ji zakoupit (možná ji najdete na Bitrex). Cena SXUT se může na každé burze lišit, zpravidla se jedná jen o drobné odchylky. Spectre AI اولین پلت فرم مبتنی بر بلوچ برای گزینه CFD و باینری است، اجازه معاملات مستقیم را از طریق یک حساب محلی در پلت فرم خود و یا غیر متمرکز از کیف پول خود را!
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Jangan pernah buka DEVTOOLS / F12. Tidak ada alasan. Spectre.ai Utility Token has a rating of 0 out of 5 from 0 Review(s). Read people's opinions, reviews, and ratings. You may also voice your own opinion. Mar 12, 2019 · Spectre.ai Utility Token Profile. Spectre.ai Utility Token (CRYPTO:SXUT) is a token. Its launch date was September 11th, 2017.
Kryptoměna Spectre.ai Utility Token patří mezi méně známé měny a jen na pár kryptoměnových burzách je možné ji zakoupit (možná ji najdete na Bitrex). Cena SXUT se může na každé burze lišit, zpravidla se jedná jen o drobné odchylky.
It's You are viewing this website from the United States which is a restricted region. It is against the Spectre.ai terms and conditions to access any products or services of Spectre.ai Spectre.Ai also features its own crypto token known as the Spectre.ai Utility Token (SXUT). The token launched in the open crypto asset market in the beginning of 2018, but has at the time of this review been a miserable investment for token holders who purchased during the launch.
You are viewing this website from the United States which is a restricted region. It is against the Spectre.ai terms and conditions to access any products or services of Spectre.ai
Spectre.ai Utility Token (SXUT) Место 1376; $0.050759 USD (-0.94267987%) 0.00000107 BTC (-0.09%) Buy / Sell SXUT (Bank, Credit Card) Капитализация Рынка Sprawdzaj Spectre.ai Utility Token (SXUT) codziennie dane cen historycznych (OHLCV) | CoinLore Spectre.ai Utility Token SXUT Ranking 0. Explorer ETH Token Explorer 0,165132 zł Spectre.ai Utility Token Kryptovaluta. De senaste åren har gjort allt större bank, revisionsbyrå och även regeringar i Vad Är Valuta flera Vad Är Kryptovaluta länder forskning om begreppet kryptovaluta. Detta var allt på grund av hjärnan hos en man Satoshi Nakamoto, som uppfann Bitcoin största kryptovaluta i världen just nu med en Spectre.ai is the world's first broker-less financial trading platform that allows traders to trade directly against the financial markets without the presence of an intermediary broker. ИЗ ВИДЕО: 💰 ССЫЛКА ДЛЯ РЕГИСТРАЦИИ: https://spectre.ai/?ref=xQlasNqElXPakaXo.. 👑Вс Spectre.ai to pierwsza na świecie bezbrokerska platforma handlu finansowego, która umożliwia handlowcom handel bezpośrednio na rynkach finansowych bez obecności pośrednika maklera.
Refund process is initiated by Spectre-AI by sending ETH to the Subscriber token contract, then marking the contract is refundable. The base price is 1 ETH = 2000 Subscriber tokens. 33% bonus is applicable for the first 100,000,000 tokens sold in the pre-sale. 22% bonus will be applicable for all the remaining tokens sold in pre-sale. Spectre.ai’s financial model is geared towards that by the end of 2020 the dividend paid per token will work out to be $0.31, and higher than $5 in a decade’s time. The project itself has received lots of plaudits, gained a good reputation and has got off to a great start since its launch. Spectre.ai Dividend Token (CURRENCY:SXDT) traded up 21.2% against the US dollar during the 1-day period ending at 19:00 PM Eastern on February 6th.
The name SPECTRE is short for Speculative Tokenized Trading Exchange. Spectre.ai minimum deposit. The minimum deposit on Spectre.ai is $10. This is, of course, if you want to trade for real money. No deposit is required if you want to trade on your demo account. This is not limited in time, you can practice as long as you wish.
Spectre.ai is the world's first broker-less trading platform. Sep 28, 2017 · The SPECTRE.ai team will be using around 3% of fees generated (after payouts to dividend-token holders) to engage in a token-buy-back program whereby as a vote of strong confidence in its business Spectre.ai Overview Spectre.ai is a broker less trading platform that allows traders to trade in high frequency and low-risk financial instruments. In this unique platform, traders can trade directly with each other or against the Spectre pool using a unique crowd-sourced technology. 🏷 Партнерская программа: https://spectre.ai/?ref=DnzhSD9UNRZyCsbl🏷 Website: https://spectre.ai🏷 Facebook - https://www.facebook.com spectre-ai has one repository available. Follow their code on GitHub. See full list on binaryoptions.net Spectre.ai U-Token (SXUT) Token Tracker on Etherscan shows the price of the Token $0.0297, total supply 42,980,365.026110428730391098, number of holders 3,258 and updated information of the token.
An end of an era; the Spectre.ai ICO is over! Thanks to all your support, Spectre.ai is well capitalised and the future is very bright with our beta just around the corner at the end of this month… Refund process is initiated by Spectre-AI by sending ETH to the Subscriber token contract, then marking the contract is refundable. The base price is 1 ETH = 2000 Subscriber tokens. 33% bonus is applicable for the first 100,000,000 tokens sold in the pre-sale. 22% bonus will be applicable for all the remaining tokens sold in pre-sale. Spectre.ai Overview.
33% bonus is applicable for the first 100,000,000 tokens sold in the pre-sale. 22% bonus will be applicable for all the remaining tokens sold in pre-sale. Spectre.ai Overview. Spectre.ai is a broker less trading platform that allows traders to trade in high frequency and low-risk financial instruments. In this unique platform, traders can trade directly with each other or against the Spectre pool using a unique crowd-sourced technology. How to Prepare for Investing in an ICO, specifically with a pre-sale bonus scenario, Spectre ai (SPEC) Token Presale Experience and Guide - recording of coun Check out Spectre.ai's Investor relations page. Spectre.ai's tokens are listed on a range of exchanges.
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Mulai ATS(Automatic Transaction System) disini, atau Daftar ATS disini Register Spectre.ai join spectre.ai dan jika user mencoba untuk melakukan sesuatu maka otomatis akan di blokir. Jangan pernah buka DEVTOOLS / F12. Tidak ada alasan.
Spectre.ai Utility Token (SXUT) deserves immediate consideration. Unlike many coins out there, this token is used in a working and fully-functional trading platform. This is not mere speculation, but is a token that is actually being used already and has a real function and value. Spectre.ai offers you a wide range of assets including most popular currency pairs such as EUR/USD, GBP/USD, USD/JPY, USD/CHF. Features such as emotional control settings allows you to minimize the risks of loosing. Refund process is initiated by Spectre-AI by sending ETH to the Subscriber token contract, then marking the contract is refundable. The base price is 1 ETH = 2000 Subscriber tokens.